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Top 20 Popular Topic Ideas For Blogging - Blog Topics List 2019 | JayviTech

Blogging with some purpose is increase the value of market share, customer engagement and revenue/income. you can do that with your blogging skill.
But when any person start blog but still one question is : 
What do we blog about?
Here I will give and explain the latest 20 topics or ideas that are possible to make a successfull blogger.
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Here is the Top 20 Popular Topic Ideas For Blogging - Blog Topics List 2019.
  1. Latest News
    You can post, share and discuss the latest news topic. And yes don't play with words and create some unrealistic discussion for reputation. Discuss your point with some fact then you can get traffic and people will interact with your blog.
    Share your opinion or interesting point about the latest news.(but share positive thought).

  2. Politics
    Politics news and politics things are very popular in every election year. Find the any political topic and discuss into your blog. You can also take care about your content because some time create controversy for your topic so be prepared.

  3. Science and Technology
    Science and Technology is very popular topic. even my blog is on IT technology topics. In internet many people wants some online technology tools and tips to help them. you can share post the latest tool and technology tips to make people work easier.
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    Its really trending topic because every people find the easy way to do some things so you choose this topic and share your technical knowledge.

  4. Tutorials
    Many people finds the tutorials to learn some new things, so create a tutorials blog with popular topic and share the knowledge in your particular topic.

  5. Sports
    Today Sports is a leading topic. Many sports and tournaments are organize every year so find out your interested sports and make a post on sports related discussion or facts.

  6. Foods and dishes- Recipes
    This topic is all time favorite, because many people loves the food. so discover the a delicious recipes items into your blog.
    You can also gives the diet fad and all types of Recipes formula to your audience.

  7. Travelling
    Travel is all time popular topic for online searches in the google.
    People are rapidly search about the popular searches for popular places. We all want to go best traveling new places but if any one can advice how to go this place cheaply and easy way then this is much appreciate.
    You can share your real time experience of some places where you are visit.

  8. Personal blog
    If you are success-full and also in future you can be success-full then you can start your personal blog.
    In personal blog you can share your stories, life events and many things to your reader and connected with people.
    A great story and exited thought are very impressive to engaged your readers.

  9. Myth-debunking
    Every industry has facts, which is why shows Myth busters is so popular.
    We love to learning what we have been doing or thinking wrong so, popular bloggers debunk myths.
    Discuss about myths about your industry or any topic for your readers. Discuss a useful myths information otherwise you loss your audience.

  10. Question Answer forum
    In google their are many question answer forums are available like stack-overflow, Quora, Laracasts etc...
    Make a Question Answer forum type blog for your topics.

  11. Interviews
    A people on your company or other companies in the industry, set up a interview whether it is with people on your team or from other companies in the industry, set up interviews on blog to gain important knowledge from a professional.
    You can also post the questions via Twitter or another social media channel.

  12. Government preparation guide.
    Now a day's many people want to do the job in government sector.
    Many people finds the online guideline for government preparation. So, you can make help them to create a blog on this topic.

  13. Gaming blog
    Gaming blogs are good topics because they offer news coverage, game reviews, and press.
    You can post on reviews, news and general thoughts on the world of gaming.

  14. History blog
    History lessons are a great way to fill a blog with useful information.
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    Many bloggers get caught up on current events, so occasional history help create consistent content for posting in blog.

  15. Social activity sharing blog
    In our society many type of charitable actions, events, or activism are organized so if you support then you should be blogged about this activity.
    You can appeal to the good in people, and showing you are active in these communities to helping many people.

  16. Musical blog
    Many people love music and wants to learn the guitar, flute etc. You can post the musical instruction blog.

  17. Web design blog
    I saw many people made a web design blog. it is really good idea to explore the new designing theme and post into blog.
    Web design is a concept of creativity and its look because if any website not look good then people don't interact.
    If you have professional in web design then you can sell it in your blog.

  18. Review Product
    Reviewing products and services is good way to gain traffic to your blog.
    Not only are product reviews a trusted resource online that will draw traffic.

  19. Funny idea and story stuff
    If the any person have a good humor of Funny idea and laughing story then it is good to share it.
    Some posts that make people laugh get shared on social networks.

  20. Fitness
    Science continues finds new things, people talk about perfect fooder for shareable blog posts.
    Blog posts about fitness have one of the most shared content on the web.
    You can share and explain viral element of these articles was the topic of the content: diet, health, and fitness tips.
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Select the latest topic and start your blog. you also create your blog with your unique idea and you will be a popular blogger. but every blog matter a content so write the proper content and share with the people.
In this post we show the Top 20 Popular Topic Ideas For Blogging - Blog Topics List 2019.
What idea you use or what topics are helpfull give me your suggestion in comment section and if any more ideas then also share into comment box.

So, Guys please Share PHP Artisan with Jay Chauhan Blog to your Technical friends and do the best coding with an easy way.


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